Search for Excellence in Young, Beginning, or Small Farmers/Ranchers

Allison Howell
CEA - Agriculture
UofA Division of Agriculture Research & Extension

Howell, A.*1,
1 CEA - Agriculture, UofA Division of Agriculture Research & Extension, Piggott, AR, 72454

Each year several Extension agents across the state participate in the Row Crop Verification Program. This program is funded by the different Arkansas Promotion Boards. Facing tough times in the 1980’s, producers requested that the University of Arkansas field-test existing technologies to determine the profitability of production, thus leading the way to the establishment of the program. The Arkansas Row Crop Verification Program is an interdisciplinary effort among growers, county Extension agents, Extension specialists, and Division of Agriculture researchers.  It is an on-farm demonstration of all the research-based practices and technologies recommended to maximize production as well as profitability of row crops in Arkansas. The overall goal of the program is to verify that management according to University of Arkansas recommendations can result in increased profitability compared to standard producer practices. Some other goals are to establish an economic database, demonstrate that high yields can be constantly achieved economically, promote timeliness in management decisions, and provide training or assistance to new county agents and young producers. Rice, soybean, wheat, corn, and cotton verification programs are implemented across the state. In Clay County, two young farmers participated in a two-year program to learn about growing corn successfully on their farms.