Search for Excellence in Livestock Production

Rachel Bearden
CEA - Agriculture
UofA Division of Agriculture Research & Extension
Hot Spring

Bearden, R.*1,
1 CEA - Agriculture, UofA Division of Agriculture Research & Extension, Malvern, AR, 72104

The purpose of this educational program is to educate producers on improving the quality of their beef herd through bull selection, replacement heifer selection, cow culling, and herd production goals. By having a better understanding of selection criteria, such as EPDs, performance, and confirmation, producers would be able to improve their herd genetics, resulting in higher quality calves, which could prove more profitable for their operations. Since COVID-19 has moved everything virtual, this was accomplished through a YouTube video series. The videos combined a PowerPoint presentation with filmed field components. The video series has had over 125 views and 13 likes. Many local producers have commented how much they have enjoyed the video series. Three producers have reported being more confident in using EPDs to evaluate herd sires for their breeding programs. They are all very excited to see their next calf crop.