Search for Excellence in Consumer or Commercial Horticulture

George W Hamilton
Extension Field Specialist, Food & Agriculture
UNH Cooperative Extension

Hamilton, G.W.*1, , Ebba, J.M.2,
1 Extension Field Specialist, Food & Agriculture, UNH Cooperative Extension, Goffstown, NH, 03045
2 Extension Field Specialist, Food and Agriculture, UNH Cooperative Extension, Dover, NH, 03820

An industry-based needs assessment of New Hampshire Landscapers indicated that 92% of respondents had never received training on using or calibrating a backpack sprayer.  This program was created to train professionals on proper calibration, mixing and application of pesticides through commonly used sprayers with the intent of reducing wasted pesticide and labor and increasing efficacy of spray applications.  It can stand alone for its resources or as a training or it can be incorporated into existing programs, events and workshops to increase proficiency in these skills in professionals who may not attend a workshop solely on the program topics.  This program created educational videos and calculation worksheets as well as various curricula to be presented at industry and university events.  In three years and five states, over 650 professionals have been trained in these skills using lecture, discussion, demonstration and hands-on methods, while learning how to use the calculation worksheets in everyday operations.  Participants are surveyed on knowledge gained as well as on intent to incorporate concepts.  Sites which receive personal calibration visits are asked to report on changes to pesticide use and practices.