Distinguished Service Award Requirements:

Eligibility Requirements for NACAA Distinguished Service Awards

Purpose: The purpose of the Distinguished Service Award Program is to encourage and recognize excellence in the field of professional Extension for members with more than ten years of service.

The Nominee:

  1. Shall have served a total of at least 10 years with outstanding service as a member of the Cooperative Extension Service.
    Must be a member of the NACAA when selected. The cut-off date for determining years of service is March 15 of the current year. Exception: Specialists or others who have only recently been accepted by their State Association must have 10 years or more Extension work experience and been a state member since membership became available in this person's state.
  2. Should have worked out and put into effect an effective Extension program which includes carrying to completion some constructive and outstanding work. Be specific. Military duties, church work, and civic activities do not apply.
  3. Shall be actively interested in the improvement of the Cooperative Extension profession. Should participate in the affairs of the State Association and constructively support its program.
  4. Should have studied some specific Extension subject by group study, correspondence, university residence study, or should have pursued some other means to improve his/her abilities.
  5. Recipient must attend Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference to receive award, unless exempted by Committee Chair because of extenuating circumstances. (Established by Board action, August, 1993.)

General Requirements:

  1. Nominations are limited to 2% and/or major fraction thereof, of the membership of each state. This will be based on the membership paid the NACAA Treasurer on February 15 of the previous year.
  2. Each State (or district) Association may nominate one nominee, irrespective of the number of Agents.
  3. A State Association is not required to make a nomination.
  4. Recognition and Awards Committee of the NACAA must give the final approval on all nominees for awards to be made at the Annual Meeting each year. No publicity should be given until this approval is given to state Extension Directors.
  5. All information should be in the hands of the National Chair Recognition and Awards Committee not later than the deadline date set by National Committee Chair each year.

The Distinguished Service Award shall be presented to members who have served at least 10 years as members of the Cooperative Extension Service, who have conducted outstanding programs, are held in high esteem by their fellow workers. They must be members of their State and National associations the year that they are selected. States are allocated DSAs based on each state’s membership as of February 15 of the previous year. Each state is entitled to DSAs based on 2% of its membership or major fraction thereof. No unfilled quotas can be crried over and applied to future quotas. Recipient must attend Annual Meeting to receive award, unless exempted by Committee Chair because of extenuating circumstances. (Established by Board action, August, 1993)


Members DSAs
1-75 1
76-125 2
126-175 3
176-225 4
226-275 5
276-325 6
326-375 7
376-425 8
426-475 9