NACAA Search for Excellence Score Sheet

  • 4-H Youth Programming
  • Crop Production
  • Livestock Production
  • Farm and Ranch Financial Management
  • Landscape Horticulture
  • Remote Sensing and Precision Agriculture
  • Young, Beginning or Small Farmers/Ranchers
  • Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
Area Points
Educational Objectives 20
Program Activities 10
Teaching Methods 10
Results 20
Impact Statement 20
Evaluation 20


Interpretation and Clarification of SFE Judging Criteria

These descriptions are meant to improve the clarity of each criterion. A perfect score is 100. Judges - be particular in scoring so that the final score reflects a fair and accurate judgment. Please provide written comments on the score sheet as feedback to the member submitting the entry.

20 points - Educational Objectives, (what did you want the participants to learn or what did you want them to change?).

10 points - Program Activities, (workshops, field days, home study courses, tours, etc.)

10 points -Teaching Methods, (how was the information disseminated (workshops, field days, home study materials, hands on learning, etc )

20 points - Results, (number of participants, collaborations that resulted from the program,  number of people who have changed production practices, acres converted to preferred crop, tillage method, etc.)

20 points - Impact Statement (knowledge gained, monetary gain, positive environmental results, attitude change,

20 points - Evaluation - method (how did you measure the impact?  Surveys, testimonials, statistical results, etc )  and what did you learn that will help you conduct more effective programs in the future?