Search for Excellence Programs




Search for Excellence Programs


All NACAA members in good standing with their state associations are eligible. Team entries are permitted. All team members need not be current members of NACAA. However, only NACAA members will receive award recognition. Please indicate the members of the team that are non NACAA Members. State Search for Excellence Chairs are eligible but must follow established guidelines. Application must be signed by a current NACAA member.

Entries will not be considered unless all required signatures are complete on the application form.


Submitting entry electronically is mandatory for all Search For Excellence Award Programs (see NACAA web site). Complete on-line application form and submit with entry that should not exceed 1200 words. Entry should reflect program activities and accomplishments within the past three years. Members are encouraged to apply for multiple Search For Excellence Awards, however members can only enter the same program in ONE Search for Excellence Category.

Entry should be organized and will be evaluated on the following criteria: Educational Objectives, Program Activities, Teaching Methods, Results, Impact Statement, and Evaluation. The score sheet for all Extension Programs is located on page 8.

Attach no more than three (3) supporting documents.

Abstract is required with application. Abstract totals do not count in the 1200 words. If team entry, team member names on the abstract must be the same as on the application form. See page 12 for abstract example and format that must be followed.


Donors are being solicited for these awards. If adequate donor funds are secured, the National Winner will receive up to $500; three National Finalists up to $250; and state winners up to $50. These cash awards are not cumulative. The Executive Program Committee reserves the right to adjust awards based on the availability of donor funds.

The National Winner will present his/her program during the NACAA AM/PIC. Length of presentation should be 15 minutes maximum. Consult AM/PIC Program for time and location. Tickets will be required for Brown Bag Luncheon (if offered). Inquire for tickets at registration.

In the event of a team winning entry, one cash prize in the amount indicated along with an appropriate certificate/plaque will be given only to NACAA members of the team.

All entries will be judged with a designated number of abstracts selected for publication in the AM/PIC Proceedings.


Entry must be in possession of your Search for Excellence Committee State Chair by March 15.

State Chairs should send all state entries, with the winning entry designated, to their region Vice Chair by April 1.

Search for Excellence in Environmental Quality, Forestry & Natural Resources


To recognize an NACAA member who has developed and carried out an outstanding extension educational program in envrionmental quality, forestry and natural resources.

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in 4-H & Youth Development


To recognize an NACAA member who has developed and carried out an outstanding extension youth development program(s) for 4-H and other youth.

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in Crop Production


To recognize an NACAA member who has developed and carried out an outstanding extension educational program in crop production.

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in Commercial and Consumer Horticulture


To recognize a NACAA member who has developed and carried out an outstanding extension educational program in horticulture.

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in Farm and Ranch Business Management


To recognize an NACAA member who has developed and carried out an outstanding extension educational program in farm and ranch financial management.

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in Livestock Production


To recognize an NACAA member who has developed and carried out an outstanding extension educational program in livestock production.

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in Young, Beginning, or Small Farmers/Ranchers


To recognize NACAA members who have developed and carried out outstanding Extension educational programs for Young (<35 years of age), Beginning (< 10 years management experience), Small Farmer/Ranchers (<$250,000 annual agricultural sales).

Support Pending

Search for Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture


To recognize NACAA members who have developed and carried out outstanding educational programs in sustainable agriculture.  Sustainable agriculture is defined as an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will, over the long term: satisfy human food and fiber needs, enhance environmental quality and the natural resources base upon which the agricultural economy depends, make the most efficient use of non-renewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls, sustain the economic viability of farm operations, enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.

Support Pending