State Officers' Handbook


Duties and Guidelines for Presidents of State Associations

You have been elected president by the members of your association for your leadership abilities. Following are a few guidelines from NACAA to make your term somewhat easier:

  1. Regularly make necessary changes of membership status and information on the NACAA membership database.
  2. January and February -
    1. Attend NACAA State Officers Workshop at JCEP Leadership Workshop.
    2. Select and nominate capable individuals to serve as national committee chairs and regional vice chairs.
  3. Invite regional director to your state association meeting.
  4. Get information you wish to have covered at NACAA Board meeting to your regional director.
  5. Update State Committee Chairs listed on the NACAA website immediately after close of AM/PIC. See directions provided in Appendix I, of this manual.
  6. When state officers change promptly update state officers listed on the NACAA website.
  7. Stay in close contact with NACAA professional improvement programs.
  8. Attend the national Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference.
  9. Be certain to obtain a copy of NACAA standing committees at the NACAA AM/PIC.
    You will also find the committees in The County Agent magazine preceding the AM/PIC or on the NACAA website at
  10. Read The County Agent and the "E" County Agent. Encourage agents with outstanding programs to write and submit articles to the magazine.
  11. Work closely with state officers, directors, membership secretary and committee chairs to build a stronger professional improvement organization.
  12. Read the Bylaws of NACAA.
  13. The State Officer Handbook is on the NACAA webpage and available for all state officers' use as needed.

State Address Coordinator

It is of the utmost importance that each state has an address coordinator to maintain a correct updated membership list, including Life Members. The state address coordinator must promptly correct all address and status changes (including deaths, life members, etc.) in the on-line member database which is accessed through the NACAA web site:

In many states, the secretary or another state officer might be the address coordinator, but in most states the office of address coordinator should be a position with no other association responsibilities and be for a term of five (5) years or more. It is vital that every state strive to keep their membership list current and up-to-date, and that members' names and complete addresses be put in the database as dues are paid.

An effective state address coordinator may be of great value to the state organization by:

  1. Executing membership forms for the state secretary;
  2. Providing state committee chairs with addressed envelopes for presenting state and NACAA programs;
  3. Creating and maintaining accurate records for all needs.


Upon the death of a current Board member, Committee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair, or a past National officer, a brief report of the passing will be forwarded to the Editor of The County Agent. NACAA Regional Directors and State Presidents are encouraged to assist in implementing this policy. (Revised 12/95)

Guidelines and Responsibilities for Secretaries of State Associations Affiliated With The NACAA

State Secretaries are responsible to provide the NACAA changes in offices in their state association. State Secretaries' communication with NACAA should be with the National Secretary.

Officer Changes:

    Since each state elects new officers at different times of the year, it is the responsibility of the State Secretary to notify the NACAA Secretary as soon as the state elects new officers and see that the NACAA member database is updated with the new leadership.

  1. Officers that should be reported in the NACAA member database include the following:
    President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Address Coordinator
  2. Include names, office address, city and zip code, office phone, fax number and e-mail address.
  3. Indicate the date the new officers will assume the new office and when their terms will end. (This provides the NACAA secretary knowledge of when your state's officers will change again.)
  4. At any time if positions, addresses, or phone numbers change for officers, the state secretary should correct the NACAA member database.

Leadership Conference

(formerly called the regional workshops)


  1. To increase Educators'/Agents' knowledge of current activities designed to increase support for Extension on the state and federal level.
  2. To increase Educators'/Agents' effectiveness in supporting lay leaders as they contact decision makers on the county, state, and federal level to gain support for Cooperative Extension.
  3. To further define the role of the agent and the Educators'/Agents' Associations as they work in concert with ECOP and state Extension administration in the area of legislative support.

NACAA Materials

  1. Membership promotional materials are updated periodically and available upon request from the Executive Director's office.
  2. Code of Ethics (available from the NACAA Executive Director)
  3. By-laws and Duties - In the NACAA policy handbook on NACAA webpage
  4. Duties of NACAA Officers, Directors and Committees - On NACAA webpage
  5. NACAA Policy - On NACAA webpage
  6. NACAA State Officers Handbook (For State Presidents and Secretaries). Available on NACAA website at:
  7. NACAA Public Relations Items: County Agent promotional items and paraphernalia will be available from an authorized vendor. These vendors will be linked from the web page.

The County Agent Magazine

The County Agent is published four times per year. Some of the suggestions listed below may be of help in improving the quality, readability and circulation of The County Agent.
  1. When a member has a change of address, the individual should notify the secretary of their State Association or their state address coordinator. The address change should be made in the NACAA member database.
  2. News articles are welcome from all states. Digital format is preferred for ease of editing and formatting for the magazine.
  3. Good pictures that are clean and clear, preferably 5" x 7", may be used at all times. People should be grouped so that the picture may be "cropped". The description under pictures should definitely carry the name of the state as well as all news articles.
  4. News stories may cover information dealing with the state association, the Cooperative Extension Service in relation to the NACAA or stories that may be of educational value to members throughout the Unites States.
  5. Recognize our Life Members: special stories often bring old friends together.
  6. Agribusiness and county agent stories with good pictures are always of value.
  7. When a member does not receive The County Agent, it may be due to an incorrect or incomplete address. Sometimes it is due to states holding membership for an extended period. Therefore, please have your state secretary-treasurer mail dues early in the year (January) and certainly by February 15.
  8. NACAA members should be aware that three copies of The County Agent magazine are provided free with each state association deciding who should receive complimentary copies in their state. Complimentary issue forms are available on the NACAA website at
  9. The County Agent will now also be available in digital format on the NACAA website.

Updating State Officer and Committee Chairs Listed on NACAA Website

First, if you are not listed as the state president, determine if you are authorized to make changes to your state's listings by checking the list of members with "Administrative Access Privileges" by doing the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Member Database
  3. Click on Administrative Access Privileges
  4. Check the list to insure you have access privileges to update your state's listings.

    • If you do not have access and need it, contact Scott Hawbaker, NACAA Executive Director via email at
    • If members from your state are listed who should no longer have access privileges to make changes, notify John so they can be removed from the list.
    • Each state should limit the number of individuals with administrative access privileges.

Updating State Officer Positions:

From the NACAA homepage:

  1. Click on Member Database (see picture on above)
  2. Click on Assign Member Leadership Positions
  3. Enter the last name of the member
  4. If more than one member appears, select the correct one.
  5. Select the needed information, from the drop down lists, include the start and end dates and click on the add box
  6. To edit another member click on Edit another Member's Leadership Position

Note: When an end date passes, the member is no longer listed on the NACAA website for that position. States may want to provide some additional time to the end date to allow the next officer time to update the listings.

Updating State Committee Chair Listings:

From the NACAA Homepage:

  1. Click on Member Database (see picture above)
  2. Click on Update State Committee Chairs If you only need to change the start and end dates for the person listed as the committee chair, then change the dates and click the update box
  3. To assign a new person as a committee chair Click on Assign Member Leadership Positions. Select the level, committee chair and name of the committee from the drop down boxes; then input the start and end dates for the committee position and click the add box.

Appendix directions written by Alan B. Galloway, January 2010

Updating Membership Listing During Dues Submission Process

First you must have administrative access to the NACAA website to update your state's membership. If you are not assigned access for your state, contact Scott Hawbaker at or John Dorner at to obtain access privileges.

Following are directions to update the membership listing:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Member Database
  3. Click on State Dues Form, under the Miscellaneous Forms and Reports heading

New members should be entered first - renewing members handled below

To enter new members - click on the "add member" link near the top of the page. Enter the each new member's information and the year the dues are covering.

Renewing Members:

Active members are listed on the state dues form page in alphabetical order.

  1. To update their dues paid status change the "Year" to reflect the year being paid for each person.
  2. If a member's contact information needs updating, click on their ID # and make needed edits.
  3. If a person needs to be converted to a life member, check the life member box.

When completed:

  1. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the screen. A screen for life members and complimentary members will appear update as needed.
  2. A summary sheet will be available at the last page showing the amount payable to NACAA. Print this summary page and include it with the payment.

The State Dues Form only shows members who were active in the previous year. If someone was a member a prior year, but is not shown on the state dues form, do not re-enter them as it might create duplicate entries. To renew a "previous member" click on "Individual Member Invoice". Members renewed/added this way are not added to the state dues form page and are not included in the total payment calculation.

When NACAA receives the check and verifies the amount is correct the website will be updated to show a "paid" status.

For questions or problems with the dues submission process contact Scott Hawbaker via email at or call 217-794-3700.