State Officers' Handbook


Statement Of Scholarship Program Of National Association Of County Agricultural Agents And NACAA Educational Foundation:

(This Document May Not Be Changed Without Approval Of The Internal Revenue Service)

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of this Scholarship Program is to maintain the high standards of Extension in public service and education by supporting the efforts of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents ("NACAA") in improving the professional knowledge and skills of Professional Cooperative Extension Service workers (hereinafter "Agents") working in Extension. Such purpose is to be carried out by granting financial assistance to eligible Agents in the form of scholarships to be applied toward payment for costs incurred in undertaking an approved educational course, seminar, study tour, or similar educational program (all of which are hereinafter referred to as "approved educational course"). Such scholarships are intended: (1) to improve the knowledge and skills of Agents (individuals or groups) to whom grants are made in order to increase their ability to educate the public pursuant to the purposes of Extension; (2) to benefit the public by increased knowledge in agricultural and related matters, to be conveyed through professionally educated Agents; and (3) to maintain high educational standards in carrying out the Extension program of the USDA and the State Land Grant University Systems.

  2. Notice Of Availability Of Scholarships

    In order to publicize and make known the Scholarship Program to be carried on by this Foundation, notice of the availability of scholarships under this program shall be sent annually to each NACAA member.

  3. Scholarship Selection Committee

    A Scholarship Selection Committee shall be appointed by the NACAA Board of Directors to evaluate all applications for scholarships. The committee shall be composed of a Chair and five other members, at least one from each Extension region. Each member shall be appointed for a two-year term and, to the extent feasible, on the basis of experience and knowledge in education and training.

  4. Selection Of Recipients

    Selection of grantees shall be made by the Scholarship Selection Committee on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis, based on the standards set forth in Section 5, below, regardless of the race, creed, color, gender, or religion of the applicant. No scholarship shall be granted to any person, if as a result of such grant, any member of the Scholarship Selection Committee or National Board of NACAA, or any trustee of the Foundation shall derive a private benefit, either directly or indirectly.

  5. Standards For Determining Eligibility Of Grantees

    All scholarships granted under this program shall meet the following standards:

    1. Each applicant must be a NACAA member in good standing with their State Association for the past two years.
    2. Each applicant must have contributed a minimum of an amount set by the NACAA Board to the NACAA Scholarship Fund or the NACAA Educational Foundation. (Currently requires $40 donation by the end of the previous NACAA AM/PIC)
    3. Each application must describe in detail the educational purposes of the requested grant, how such educational course will improve the competency of the applicant as an Extension professional, and the educational costs for which the grant is requested.
    4. Each application must be signed, signifying approval, by the State Extension Director.
    5. Each application must be submitted to the Scholarship Selection Committee by June 1.
  6. Standards And Procedure In Granting Scholarships

    1. The amount and number of scholarships shall be recommended annually by the Scholarship Selection Committee and approved by the Trustees of the Foundation. No scholarship shall exceed $1,000 per person annually with a $2,000 lifetime maximum, except as may be determined by the Trustees of the Foundation in unusual circumstances. Scholarships are not continuing or renewable.
    2. Scholarships may be awarded for undertaking an individual or group-approved educational course, which may involve an advanced degree, graduate credit, study tour, educational seminar, research, or other specialized training program. Scholarships shall be awarded in accordance with the purposes stated in Section 1 of this statement.
    3. Scholarship payments will not be made until 30 days prior to beginning the approved educational course. It is the grantee's responsibility to advise the Scholarship Selection Committee of the date that the approved educational course is to begin.
    4. The approved educational course (1) must start within one year or by the next Annual Meeting of the NACAA following the Annual Meeting at which the award is made, and (2) cannot be initiated before the application is approved by the Scholarship Selection Committee.
    5. Grantees shall be named at the Annual Meeting of the NACAA.
  7. Supervision And Records

    1. Each grantee must file a written report with the Chair of the Scholarship Selection Committee within 30 days after the completion of the approved educational course for which the award was made. Such reports shall be reviewed by at least one member of the Scholarship Committee.
    2. Where any of the reports described in paragraph 7 (a) indicate that the scholarship proceeds are not being used in furtherance of the required educational purposes, the Scholarship Selection Committee shall make an appropriate investigation into this matter. If such proceeds have been used for improper purposes, no further scholarship awards may be made to such grantee (regardless of whether the impropriety is corrected) and the Scholarship Selection Committee shall take all necessary and appropriate action to obtain repayment of the scholarship funds which have been misused.
    3. The Scholarship Selection Committee shall maintain and retain records and files with regard to the Scholarship Program.
    4. Such records shall include:
      1. All information secured to evaluate the qualification of all applicants for scholarships under this Scholarship Program.
      2. Identification of scholarship grantees.
      3. Specification of the amount and purpose of each scholarship.
      4. All information pertaining to supervision of each grantee, as set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.

(Revised 3/94)

Criteria for Awarding NACAA Scholarships

Application must carry signature of State Association President, State Scholarship Chair and Appropriate State Extension Administrator.

Each participant must have contributed at least $40 to the NACAA Scholarship Fund by the end of the NACAA AM/PIC of the previous year. (If one person within the group has not contributed $40 by the end of the previous AMPIC, it disqualifies the entire group).

  1. Study must start within one year or by the next AM/PIC following the AM/PIC at which the award is made.
  2. Must describe in detail the training and how it will help improve the competency of the Extension professional.
  3. Award is for individual or group professional improvement which may include advanced degrees, graduate credits, tours, seminars, research or other specialized training.
  4. Maximum scholarship is $2000 during Extension career. (This amount includes scholarships received as an individual or as part of a group.)
  5. Study or training cannot be completed before the application is approved by the Trustees, NACAA Educational Foundation.
  6. Scholarship funds will not be awarded until 30 days prior to study or training begins. It is the recipient's responsibility to advise the National Scholarship Chair if impending date of educational activity changes.
  7. Report must be made to National Scholarship Chair within 60 days after the training is completed.
  8. Recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Selection Committee with final approval of the Trustees, NACAA Educational Foundation.
  9. No scholarship will be awarded a person, if as a result of such grant, any member of the Scholarship Selection Committee, National Board of NACAA, or any Trustee of the Foundation shall derive a private benefit, either directly or indirectly.
Note: Send seven (7) copies of the application form to the Scholarship Committee State Chair by June 1. Six copies will then be sent on to the Regional Vice-Chair prior to June 15. Applications must reach the National Chair by July 1.

Group Applications

All tour members must meet criteria, including address and social security number, home and office phone, contribution of $40 to the NACAA Scholarship Fund by the end of AMPIC the prior year, whether they received a previous scholarship and if so, how much. List this on a separate sheet of paper and attach to the scholarship application.

NACAA Scholarship Application Form

The NACAA Scholarship Application Form is availalable online at: